Reshape with the Weight Programme: for those who want to take care of their body and improve their body awareness.
Being overweight is one of the most significant health risks and there is no “magic” solution for weight loss. Western studies have shown that programmes based on the idea of diet as a “deprivation” or “constraint” is not only ineffective, but also detrimental to health. Lefay SPA philosophy underlines the importance of “consciousness” within a diet and in one’s lifestyle. Therefore, it aims to modify your eating habits in your regular daily life.
The Weight Programme features a nutritional consultation with the prescription of a “sustainable” and personalised diet, draining and detoxifying treatments together with physical and energy rebalancing activities with the aim to restore the free flow of energy around the body, assisting you to return to your ideal body weight. This is a process that starts during the stay and will continue at home.